Un dels altres projectes en el que estem participant és el de l'enviament de felicitacions de Nadal arreu del món.
Dilluns, els alumes portaran a la seva carpeta viatjera la postal que han pintat amb el motiu del Caga Tió, un paper on s'explica quina és aquesta tradició i l'adreça de l'escola on s'enviarà aquesta felicitació. Ah! I una circular on s'explica tot ;)
Us demanem que amb la vostra ajuda, els nens i nenes fiquin la postal dins un sobre, hi escriguin l'adreça de l'escola on l'enviaran i l'adreça de la nostra escola, ja que si es perd, tornarà a nosaltres :) i hi empegueu els segells.
Hi ha nens que en van pintar dues!!! Si no voleu ficar sobre i segells a les dues no passa absolutament res, i si ho feu, doncs millor! Com més n'enviem, a més llocs coneixeran la nostra tradició!
EL SOBRE NO L'HEU D'ENVIAR, ja que una part del projecte és la d'anar a buscar una bústia i fer-nos-hi fotos mentre les hi depositem. Així també controlarem quants dies tarden en arribar.
Per qualsevol dubte, o en cas que perdeu l'adreça de l'escola on s'ha d'enviar la felicitació, podeu ficar-vos en contacte a l'adreça electrònica ejabato@fedac.cat
Us deixo unes fotos dels students pintant i preparant la felicitació. M'haureu de disculpar perquè no hi surten tots. Els tenia a tots fotografiats però el mòbil es va espatllar i vaig perdre moltíssimes fotografies. A veure si el Caga Tió es porta bé amb mi... que el coneixeran fins i tot als Estats Units!
Trim's Trail - An English School's Travelling Mascot
Hi children,
Trim has arrived at our school and it is happy to be with us.
These days we have to take care of it and show it the school: Our classes, the playground, the dinning room.... And why not, our town, Lleida.
We hope you enjou its time here!
Trims is the mascot of one of the eTwinning projects we are doing this year at school. It is a cat, named Trim, who would like to visit some European primary schools and he looks for some schools in different countries who would be happy to host Trim for a week or two. What we need to do is look after him, allow him to visit the children in our school, take photographs of him in our school and perhaps around the local area also if possible and put together a diary on a Word document on the computer explaining in English what he has done, where he has been and what he has been learning about. Perhaps include some phrases in your mother tongue in his diary. We then send Trim on to the next school on the list.
Trim has arrived at our school and it is happy to be with us.
These days we have to take care of it and show it the school: Our classes, the playground, the dinning room.... And why not, our town, Lleida.
We hope you enjou its time here!
Trims is the mascot of one of the eTwinning projects we are doing this year at school. It is a cat, named Trim, who would like to visit some European primary schools and he looks for some schools in different countries who would be happy to host Trim for a week or two. What we need to do is look after him, allow him to visit the children in our school, take photographs of him in our school and perhaps around the local area also if possible and put together a diary on a Word document on the computer explaining in English what he has done, where he has been and what he has been learning about. Perhaps include some phrases in your mother tongue in his diary. We then send Trim on to the next school on the list.
The eTwinning action promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools and services for schools.
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