Infantil i Primària

Children, time to blog in English!


Hi children, do you want to learn to use English money?

Here you are some on line activities.  Just click on the link and try!!





 For those who love DOGS


Some videos!!!!



Thank you all for your greetings! Now we have to wait to let them arrive to all the countries they have been sent!

We are going to have lots of greetings, too!!!



After my arrival, kids were very gentle with me. On Thursday, students from 2nd had an exam and I could help one of them telling him some of the numbers he had problems with. Shhht! Don't tell Erika, ok? Those who finished early could finish the Christmas greetings they are preparing or even make a drawing for me! As you can imagine, I got plenty of portraits! I don't know how I'm going to take them home as on Monday I'm starting my jorney to Hungary :) 

When we were going downstairs, we met students from higher levels, they were taking their pulse. I was amazed and I tried to make them take my pulse, too. 
I visited the Dolphin's class, they are doing a project about these animals. It's autumn in their classroom and I took a photo with the leaves they took from their playground. I could also read an interesting book about dolphins, I made a puzzle, I saw a video about the family in English, I met some friends... It was very funny!

On the third day, I visited some of the youngest students... I was told that there were even younger pupils, but I didn't meet them until Thursday. You'll see that they are so sweet...

Well, I went to the Bear's Classroom first and then to the Duck's classroom. They are 3 years old (some of them are still 2!) and they are doing a project about the family. I helped teacher Erika when teaching them the family members, the parts of the house and some of the routines we do: wash your hands, brush your teeth, brush your hair... In the Duck's classroom, I met Claudia who was her birthday that day! We sang her happy birthday and she was very, very happy!

They are good students but sometimes it's difficult to catch their attention ;)  After these classes, I had to relax a little bit and I asked Erika to have free time. As we were passing through the corridor, I met the Music teacher, Rafa. While we were chatting, he told me I was free to go to his class, if I wanted... and so I did! You know I love music and I'm a great musician! I relaxed myself playing the piano, the xylophone and the drum!!!

Here I let you some of my photos!

On Thursday, I finished the day feeling like a star! I'll tell you why... Erika gives to her students a star sticker if they behave right. As the students said I'm a good student, a great teacher and a better friend... at the end of the class, the kids gave me lots of stars! I was so proud that I got them until the next day! These kids from Lleida are so lovely!

Laia showed me the postcards they are receiving from all around the world, and Fredy showed me on the map where we are located :) We are on the South of the European map, and it's quite warm! I like being here!


On Friday, I met the youngest students from the school, Rabbits and Chicks. Rabbits are 2 years old and Chicks are 1 year old. Chicks don't learn English yet, so it was very difficult for them to understand me. I kept my stars on me to visit them, you know kids love stickers, and these ones were very shinning!
Rabbits learn English singing and playing... when I went to their class, they were studying the circles and the rounds... I helped them when tracing some of them!
On the afternoon, I went to the Butterflies
classroom. They are doing a project about butterflies and in the English Area they are being told Eric Carle's The very hungry Caterpillar. I also met Radhika. Radhika speaks perfect English since she is from England! She is staying in the school until June to help all the students to have an accurate English pronunciation.

After this week, on Friday, before going home, I prepared a coffee and chatted a bit with the other teachers in the staff room. 




Hello again, children.  Here you are some games to play and practise the Present Continuous (or progressive)


Other games you can play: 

Penalty shootouts                Verbs sets                 Practice forming


Here you are the grammar of the Unit 1.  
Please, study it for the exam!!!

Hi children, 

here you are Eric Carle's tale The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 
I hope you enjoy it. 


Here we show you some pictures of your pumpkins and projects and... the winners of this year!!!



Hi girls and boys, 
here you are the links with the games to practise "She/ has got....."
I hope you enjoy the time!

The description detective

Hair games for boys 

Hair games for girls:

Audio matching game: 

Polly Pocket hair style:

Barbie's hair saloon game: 

2011 / 2012

Yesterday, some students from 5th level gave me a great surprise.  They prepared a surprise breakfast for all the classroom and told me so many nice things.  

I'm very proud of you and I have enjoyed a lot this year with you.  
Thanks for everything.  Have a very nice and happy summer.  
See you in September!!!!



This last week, the students from 5th grade have been preparing some dialogues to practice with our corners.  In each group we have  been to a supermarket, a restaurant and the doctor or vet.  

They have done a good job and they have improvised so many good conversations!!!!

Well done, children!

These days we are finishing our towns.  Now they are almost ready!!!      Look how nice they are.


Remember to practice at home with your happy :)  and sad :( face!

Do you like melons? Yes, I like melons.

Do you like peaches? No, I don't like peaches. 

This morning we played a lot during the English Gymkhana.  Now we are still preparing the traditional games we will play on Thursday after spending the morning at La Mitjana and before the aerobic lesson. 

Students from 5th grade are making a project about Traditional English and Catalan games.  They are doing a fantastic and very interesting work.  
Here you are the presentation that Ainoa and Sara prepared for us.  I hope you enjou it and you play it with your families and friends. 
Here we are again, once more, after the Easter holidays.
But what you don't know if that we are working hard to give you a surprise during the "Jornades Culturals".  

Can you guess what we are preparing? 

Hey Boys and Girls!!!

Here you are singing and dancing and dancing and singing!!!




English Corners

These last days, students from 5th have been playing with our English Corners.  We have spent a good time while we learnt new vocabulary and practised dialogues.  


Preparing Easter celebrations

Look, astudents from 1st A and B coloured a lot of Easter eggs and stuck them on an Easter Tree to decorate our corridors. 



P4 Greatest Pop Stars!!!

Here you'll see our greatest singers, they are short but they have a huge talent! We'll done, babies!


Some more exercises - 4th Primary

Hello again, 
I link you some more exercises about LIKES and DISLIKES.  
Country mouse and city mouse, by robirimini
Find this and other verb tenses exercises in English Exercises .org

Study hard!!


Likes and dislikes - 4th Primary

Hello children,
here you are some activities to practise before the exam.  I hope you enjoy learning and you like doing your homework. Just click on the red links. 
Likes and dislikes, by  Eva Sánchez
Find this and other exercises in English Exercises .org